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Diabetes At-Home Test Kits

Diabetes At-Home Test Kits

Diabetes is a common disease in which blood glucose levels are high. Glucose comes from the food we eat. The pancreas produces the insulin hormone, and it helps to transfer glucose to the cells to provide them with energy.  There are two types of diabetes: type-1 and type-2. Sometimes the human body stops making enough insulin or does not use it well, which causes the glucose to remain in the bloodstream. Having too much glucose in the body can lead to health problems. Prediabetes is another type of diabetics, which means that you have a high glucose level, but the levels are not high enough to be classified as diabetes.

In type-1 diabetes, your body doesn’t make insulin. The immune system destroys the cell in the pancreas that produces insulin. It is seen mostly in children and young adults. On the other hand, in type-2 diabetes, the body doesn’t make insulin or use it well. It can develop at any age, and middle-aged or older people usually suffer from type-2 diabetics. There are several tests available for the diagnosis of this disease. Since there is a chance of having prediabetes, it is better to test for diabetes early. 

Home test kits are available, which allows the consumer to take tests at their convenience. HbA1C or H1C test is the name of the test. The home test for diabetes can identify prediabetes in a person or determine how well the patient manages diabetes following diagnosis. A high result means that there is too much sugar in the body. HbA1C or glycated haemoglobins forms when glucose sticks to the red blood cells. If the body can’t use the sugar properly, more glucose can attach to the blood.

Diabetes At-Home Test Kit Process 

Anyone can take the test when at risk of diabetes or to check their management of sugar levels. The user carries out the testing procedure with the Diabetes At-home tests kit. The test examines for % of H1C haemoglobin. An A1C between 5.7-6.4% signals prediabetes and there are chances of type-2 when A1C is over 6.5%. The instructions for the home procedure are as follows:

  1. You have to collect the sample using the finger-prick method. The test kits come with all the necessary instructions.
  2. After collecting the sample, you should ship it back on the same day using the prepaid shipping label provided.
  3. CLIA and CAP-accredited laboratories analyze the samples. These are the highest form of accreditations. The results are available in your secure account within 2-5 days. You can then view your result on our secure online platform.
  4. After receiving the results, the customer can contact the medical team, who will give them advice based on their positive or negative test result.

 When to test for diabetes?

There are several signs which indicate the necessity to get a diabetes test. The diabetes symptoms include urinating more than ten times a day, staying thirsty and hunger even though you’ve reached your daily calorie intake, blurred vision, fatigue, and weight loss. Weight loss most commonly occurs in people with type-1 diabetes, whereas hand numbness occurs mostly in type-2 diabetes patients. Symptoms of type-1 diabetes develop quickly, whereas symptoms for type-2 develops slowly.

Most people with type-2 are asymptomatic, and many don’t find out about it until they suffer from diabetes-related problems. It is better to take a diabetic test if you’re having diabetes symptoms or have a family history of this disease. If you already have the disease, you can check it to keep track of your sugar level. Lifestyle and heredity factors like family history and obesity can cause diabetics. Also, it can occur when cells or muscles develop insulin resistance. Diabetes can create complications in the eyes, nerves, and kidney. It may also cause heart diseases or stroke. A person with type-1 diabetes will need to take insulin for the rest of their lives. However, people can prevent it by changing their lifestyles and indulging in more healthy activities.

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About the Author: maheshtech

Meet Mahesh, the Developer at Astoria Company.

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